
This body of work was produced whilst Rhiannon was studying on exchange at the Academy of Fine Art Helsinki in the Painting Department. These works are based on the sense of place she felt whilst taking solo walks around the city with her sketchbook.

Morning. 2019. Oil on linen and acrylic on copper. 40x40cm

Unravelling buildings. 2019. Stretched sewn fabric. 40x30cm

Two ghosts. 2020. Mixed media on canvases. 50x80cm

This works was created during a course where dancing and painting students translated each others work into their own medium. This painting was based on the performance by Sara Grotenfelt called Notions of Emotions.

Architectural Skin. 2019. Mixed media on canvas and metal. 50x80cm

Under Construction. 2019. Mixedmedia. 40x30cm

Untitled. 2019. Fabric and welded metal. 60x150cm